ART 493 M is a Mixed Media Fine Arts course at Iowa State University in the College of Design with their Inter-Studio Arts Program. In this class I explored multiple on sit drawings and really developed my style and concepts even further. From pencils drawings to creating my own book I got to explore multiple different creative directions in this course.
This was a simple pencil drawing that I had to create to showcase an interior space. I choose to include my farther as a focal point the enhance what I saw was a boring location.
This was the second piece that I made for this class. I wanted to showcase my usage of color in areas we would not typically see color. I had a lot of fun adding color where many would not think to use there. Like yellow for the highlights on the blue vase and the blue in the grey stone.
We were tasked to create only one landscape drawing in soft pastels as seen above. I chose to make two of them. The first one above this piece with the white statue and blue vase was to show my technical abilities, While this piece with the brown chairs and the faces was to showcase what I really love, abstract forms and concepts. I really explored color and expression in my strokes. thinking not so much on whether it was perfect or not but whether it feels right. I created this piece in a manic episode and it showcases the reality and feeling of mania. To this date, this is one of my most powerful pieces for the sole fact it showcases something so raw and real about me.
The whole class went to Brookside Park and we drew for the whole day. I first started out with this drawing. I wanted to play around with color and not get bogged down with the weight of where I think color should go. I was more concerned with applying color in a unique and interesting way. In my second piece I applied what I learned from my first drawing above with regard to color and form and applied it more of a technical form.
I did this one right after doing the one above. Taking what I gained from experimenting with color and applied what I learned to this one. I started adding color in places one would not typically add color and I wanted to showcase my technical abilities while still being colorful.
For our second to the last project, we had to create a diptych, which is two pieces of canvases when put together create one whole image. I chose to make mine on two 18 x 24 pieces of canvases. I wanted to create something extremely personal and vulnerable. I wanted to showcase myself sitting in a meadow surrounded by flowers and three different people. Depression, Anxiety, and Mania are the three temptresses which lure me into madness. As a beam of light shines through as a beacon of hope shines through the darkness. I wanted to show that all three people make up who I am as a person but yet they don’t control or define me.